here is the code; Code: begin Color.Limit area of interest to window("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "Yes") // Set Top left and bottom right coords of the area we want the bot to stay inside // check SomaInfo file for cords fo hunting areas Variable.Set("LeftX", "521") Variable.Set("RightX", "550") Variable.Set("TopY", "342") Variable.Set("BottomY", "376") // Move or not when attacking(Hold shift). {<end>} = no {<lshiftkey>} = yes // Daylight RGB Mobs Variable.Set("DRed", "165") Variable.Set("DGreen", "113") Variable.Set("DBlue", "107") // VoD RGB Mobs Variable.Set("NRed", "173") Variable.Set("NGreen", "150") Variable.Set("NBlue", "66") Variable.Set("PixelSearchDistance", "350") Variable.Set("NearPixelSearchDistance", "230") Variable.Set("MovePause", "333") Variable.Set("PixelRange", "5") Variable.Set("OldMover", "1") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536788", "4", "CharCoordsY") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536784", "4", "CharCoordsX") // activates other macros. You have to deactivate these manually even when you stop this macro end begin loop() Color.Limit area of interest to window("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "Yes") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536788", "4", "CharCoordsY") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536784", "4", "CharCoordsX") Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "400", "300", "CharX", "CharY") Macro.Pause("4") if Color.Near coordinate is (RGB)("{DRed}", "{DGreen}", "{DBlue}", "400", "300", "{PixelSearchDistance}") begin Variable.Set("FightSearch", "0") while Variable.Is less than (Math)("FightSearch", "5") begin Color.Find coordinate of occurrence on screen closest to coordinate (RGB)("{DRed}", "{DGreen}", "{DBlue}", "{PixelRange}", "400", "300", "MobX", "MobY") if Variable.Exists("MobX") begin Mouse.Set coordinate("{MobX}", "{MobY}") Macro.Pause("4") if Color.Near coordinate is within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "10", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "100") begin Variable.Set("FightSearch", "6") Function.Execute("Attack") end if Color.Near coordinate is not within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "10", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "100") begin Variable.Remove("MobX") Variable.Increment (Math)("FightSearch") end end end end if Color.Near coordinate is (RGB)("255", "255", "107", "400", "300", "{PixelSearchDistance}") begin Variable.Set("Pause", "0") Variable.Set("Status", "CollectingDrops") Mouse.Click at color closest to coordinate (RGB)("0", "255", "255", "{PixelRange}", "400", "300", "Left") Macro.Pause("2000") end if Variable.Is less than (Math)("CharCoordsX", "{LeftX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveRight") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsX", "{LeftX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveRight") end if Variable.Is greater than (Math)("CharCoordsX", "{RightX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveLeft") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsX", "{RightX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveLeft") end if Variable.Is less than (Math)("CharCoordsY", "{TopY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveDown") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsY", "{TopY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveDown") end if Variable.Is greater than (Math)("CharCoordsY", "{BottomY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveUp") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsY", "{BottomY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveUp") end Variable.Set random number("Mover", "1", "4") If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "1") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "2") begin Function.Execute("MoveUp") end end If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "2") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "1") begin Function.Execute("MoveDown") end end If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "3") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "4") begin Function.Execute("MoveLeft") end end If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "4") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "3") begin Function.Execute("MoveRight") end end Variable.Set("OldMover", "{Mover}") end
function("MoveUp") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "400", "260", "MoveUpX", "MoveUpY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveUpX}", "{MoveUpY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveUpX}", "{MoveUpY}", "Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("MoveDown") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "400", "350", "MoveDownX", "MoveDownY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveDownX}", "{MoveDownY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveDownX}", "{MoveDownY}", "Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("MoveLeft") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "300", "305", "MoveLeftX", "MoveLeftY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveLeftX}", "{MoveLeftY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveLeftX}", "{MoveLeftY}","Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("MoveRight") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "500", "305", "MoveRightX", "MoveRightY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveRightX}", "{MoveRightY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveRightX}", "{MoveRightY}", "Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("Attack") begin if Color.Near coordinate is within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "10", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "100") begin Mouse.Hold button("Left") Variable.Set("Count", "1") Variable.Set("OldMobX", "{MobX}") Variable.Set("OldMobY", "{MobY}") Variable.Remove("MobX") Color.Find coordinate of occurrence on screen closest to coordinate (RGB)("{DRed}", "{DGreen}", "{DBlue}", "{PixelRange}", "400", "300", "MobX", "MobY") if Variable.Exists("MobX") begin while Variable.Is less than (Math)("Count", "15") begin Variable.Calculate difference (Math)("OldMobX", "MobX", "Xdif") Variable.Calculate difference (Math)("OldMobY", "MobY", "Ydif") Variable.Evaluate (Math)("{Ydif}+{Xdif}", "MobDistance") if Variable.Is greater than (Math)("MobDistance", "40") begin Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MobX}", "{MobY}") Macro.Pause("150") Variable.Increment (Math)("Count") end if Variable.Is less than (Math)("MobDistance", "39") begin Macro.Pause("1000") Variable.Increment (Math)("Count") Variable.Increment (Math)("Count") end If Color.Near coordinate is not within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "20", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "150") begin Variable.Set("Count", "240") Mouse.Release button("Left") end end Mouse.Click("Left") end if Variable.Does not exist("MobX") begin Variable.Set("MobX", "{OldMobX}") Mouse.Release button("Left") end end end function
here is the code;
[code]begin Color.Limit area of interest to window("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "Yes") // Set Top left and bottom right coords of the area we want the bot to stay inside // check SomaInfo file for cords fo hunting areas Variable.Set("LeftX", "521") Variable.Set("RightX", "550") Variable.Set("TopY", "342") Variable.Set("BottomY", "376") // Move or not when attacking(Hold shift). {<end>} = no {<lshiftkey>} = yes // Daylight RGB Mobs Variable.Set("DRed", "165") Variable.Set("DGreen", "113") Variable.Set("DBlue", "107") // VoD RGB Mobs Variable.Set("NRed", "173") Variable.Set("NGreen", "150") Variable.Set("NBlue", "66") Variable.Set("PixelSearchDistance", "350") Variable.Set("NearPixelSearchDistance", "230") Variable.Set("MovePause", "333") Variable.Set("PixelRange", "5") Variable.Set("OldMover", "1") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536788", "4", "CharCoordsY") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536784", "4", "CharCoordsX") // activates other macros. You have to deactivate these manually even when you stop this macro end begin loop() Color.Limit area of interest to window("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "Yes") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536788", "4", "CharCoordsY") Memory.Get value("SomaWindow", "00536784", "4", "CharCoordsX") Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "400", "300", "CharX", "CharY") Macro.Pause("4") if Color.Near coordinate is (RGB)("{DRed}", "{DGreen}", "{DBlue}", "400", "300", "{PixelSearchDistance}") begin Variable.Set("FightSearch", "0") while Variable.Is less than (Math)("FightSearch", "5") begin Color.Find coordinate of occurrence on screen closest to coordinate (RGB)("{DRed}", "{DGreen}", "{DBlue}", "{PixelRange}", "400", "300", "MobX", "MobY") if Variable.Exists("MobX") begin Mouse.Set coordinate("{MobX}", "{MobY}") Macro.Pause("4") if Color.Near coordinate is within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "10", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "100") begin Variable.Set("FightSearch", "6") Function.Execute("Attack") end if Color.Near coordinate is not within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "10", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "100") begin Variable.Remove("MobX") Variable.Increment (Math)("FightSearch") end end end end if Color.Near coordinate is (RGB)("255", "255", "107", "400", "300", "{PixelSearchDistance}") begin Variable.Set("Pause", "0") Variable.Set("Status", "CollectingDrops") Mouse.Click at color closest to coordinate (RGB)("0", "255", "255", "{PixelRange}", "400", "300", "Left") Macro.Pause("2000") end if Variable.Is less than (Math)("CharCoordsX", "{LeftX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveRight") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsX", "{LeftX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveRight") end if Variable.Is greater than (Math)("CharCoordsX", "{RightX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveLeft") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsX", "{RightX}") begin Function.Execute("MoveLeft") end if Variable.Is less than (Math)("CharCoordsY", "{TopY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveDown") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsY", "{TopY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveDown") end if Variable.Is greater than (Math)("CharCoordsY", "{BottomY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveUp") end if Variable.Is equal to("CharCoordsY", "{BottomY}") begin Function.Execute("MoveUp") end Variable.Set random number("Mover", "1", "4") If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "1") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "2") begin Function.Execute("MoveUp") end end If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "2") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "1") begin Function.Execute("MoveDown") end end If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "3") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "4") begin Function.Execute("MoveLeft") end end If Variable.Is equal to("Mover", "4") begin if Variable.Is not equal to("OldMover", "3") begin Function.Execute("MoveRight") end end Variable.Set("OldMover", "{Mover}") end
function("MoveUp") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "400", "260", "MoveUpX", "MoveUpY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveUpX}", "{MoveUpY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveUpX}", "{MoveUpY}", "Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("MoveDown") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "400", "350", "MoveDownX", "MoveDownY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveDownX}", "{MoveDownY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveDownX}", "{MoveDownY}", "Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("MoveLeft") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "300", "305", "MoveLeftX", "MoveLeftY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveLeftX}", "{MoveLeftY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveLeftX}", "{MoveLeftY}","Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("MoveRight") begin Window.Calculate absolute coordinates("Myth of Soma : The Rise of Gorshak", "yes", "500", "305", "MoveRightX", "MoveRightY") Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MoveRightX}", "{MoveRightY}") Mouse.Click at coordinate("{MoveRightX}", "{MoveRightY}", "Left") Macro.Pause("{MovePause}") end function
function("Attack") begin if Color.Near coordinate is within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "10", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "100") begin Mouse.Hold button("Left") Variable.Set("Count", "1") Variable.Set("OldMobX", "{MobX}") Variable.Set("OldMobY", "{MobY}") Variable.Remove("MobX") Color.Find coordinate of occurrence on screen closest to coordinate (RGB)("{DRed}", "{DGreen}", "{DBlue}", "{PixelRange}", "400", "300", "MobX", "MobY") if Variable.Exists("MobX") begin while Variable.Is less than (Math)("Count", "15") begin Variable.Calculate difference (Math)("OldMobX", "MobX", "Xdif") Variable.Calculate difference (Math)("OldMobY", "MobY", "Ydif") Variable.Evaluate (Math)("{Ydif}+{Xdif}", "MobDistance") if Variable.Is greater than (Math)("MobDistance", "40") begin Mouse.Move to coordinate("{MobX}", "{MobY}") Macro.Pause("150") Variable.Increment (Math)("Count") end if Variable.Is less than (Math)("MobDistance", "39") begin Macro.Pause("1000") Variable.Increment (Math)("Count") Variable.Increment (Math)("Count") end If Color.Near coordinate is not within (RGB range)("255", "162", "0", "20", "{MobX}", "{MobY}", "150") begin Variable.Set("Count", "240") Mouse.Release button("Left") end end Mouse.Click("Left") end if Variable.Does not exist("MobX") begin Variable.Set("MobX", "{OldMobX}") Mouse.Release button("Left") end end end function [/code]